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Vague House

Dreamed c.1995 by Rick Veitch

Fog hides (& fills) a mysterious house; dream comic by Rick Veitch. I find an Eye of Horus and a big stone scarab; dream comic by Rick Veitch.


What impresses me here is how the dream explicitly spells out its own symbols. "This is your anger, but THIS bigger symbol is your REAL anger."

The first glyph Rick picks up is a version of the Eye of Horus, an Egyptian symbol of healing and protection. In conventional psychology, that's not how anger is seen--but maybe the dream's saying that for Rick, it is--anger protects him (how? Just by alerting him to danger, or is there more?)

The second larger glyph is a scarab, symbolizing regeneration & rebirth (it was associated with the sun, reborn each day). Though I wonder--Rick has read Jung; and what led to Jung's idea of synchronicity (essentially validating what shamans had said all along) was a patient's dream of a golden scarab (as she told it to Jung, a golden iridescent beetle flew in the window). If the scarab means synchronicity/predictive dreaming, and it's Rick's real anger (behind surface/daily annoyances) then maybe the dream means "You're madder than you realize at science's denial of dream ESP/synchronicity/shamanic phenomena."

Or, of course, I'm projecting. I sure am tired of academics who dismiss shamanism as superstition--while ignoring the evidence it works. As Rick's dreams frequently prove.

SOURCE: Rick Veitch's Pocket Universe, 1996, King Hell Press (a collection of his comics series Rare Bit Fiends, issues 9-14), p.75-6. Untitled; "Vague House" added to aid searches.

LISTS AND LINKS: clouds & mist - house & home - stone - talismans & amulets - Egypt, ancient - gods - beetles - Jung's Scarab - icons, symbols & glyphs - anger - self-flagging dreams - dreamwork - comics - ink - more Rick Veitch

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