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Dreamed 1930 by Hasteen Hon

I was out some place, I don't know where. I thought it was raining. There was thunder and the clouds were going wrong all over.

I thought I was standing outside watching the clouds coming this way, and I thought someone spoke up and told me that I shouldn't look at the clouds, that they are dangerous.


After this dream, I didn't know it would happen. About August I and another man went out to Chin Lee. We didn't have any hogan. We unsaddled under a tree. While we were there it started to rain and it rained hard while we were sitting under the tree.

Lightning was going here and there. In some way the lightning struck me and knocked me down senseless. I don't know how long I lay on the ground, but when I returned to consciousness I got up and recognized where I was and the man was with me. He told me what had happened. Lightning had struck me.

When we came home we kept away from the family and hired a medicine man and had a sing [the Natoye bakaji] over us. When the singing was over I returned to my family and started going around. From then on I believed strongly in my dreams and wanted to become a medicine man.

Now I am on the way training to be a medicine man. (Being trained by White Hair.) That is about all I can tell you. I don't like to tell my story with other Indians present because I really believe these things.

SOURCE: The Dream in Primitive Cultures edited by Jackson Lincoln, 1935, p 234 in 1970 reprint. Primary source: interviews by Lincoln through translators, May 1932.

LISTS AND LINKS: forces of nature: floods, quakes, wildfires, twisters - rain & storms - a lightning nightmare: Ladder of Fear - lightning saves a dreamer in A Square in the Hand - illness - death - predictive dreams - psychic dreams, all types - Native American dreams - more from Hosteen Hon: Indian School - from his grandmother: Ute Raid

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