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Lemon-Eyed Spirit

Dreamed 2019/10/24 by Wayan

Today I was a man, but now in dream I am
a woman who's possessed--now and then--
by half a dozen souls or powers diverse.

not totally unlike--every one so
butch that, ghost-ridden, my stance
and gesture convince strangers we
must be a man.

Are they hidden facets of me, or her,
or the long dead stepped in? They're sure
more forceful than she is. I am.
Way more

assertive--effective--get the job done!
But I worry I'm losing myself. I mean
her. Self. We

see with the weird yellow eyes of one.
As through a tinted lens or champagne glass
the whole world turns citrine, infused
a fierce chartreuse.

I wake at dawn. Through blinds
leaks a lemon light, just like
dream eyes! One minute, stunned--
the sun

a golden egg, hill-nested. Then
the firebird's flight. Unearthly light
is gone.

Dream sketch by Wayan. Click to enlarge.


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