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Blonde or Brunette?

Recurring dream, summer 1966 by Mike Bickel

When I was about 20 and at home from college one summer I had the following dream:

I find myself in my mother's bedroom helping her to make the bed, and the lamp on my father's side (my side) of the bed goes out leaving us both in total darkness. I fumble around to turn it on again and notice that my mother's hair color has changed from brunette to blonde.

I am puzzled, but continue to help Mom make the bed. Again the light goes out and again, upon turning it back on, my mother's hair changes back to its original color.

This goes on for a few more times till I get frustrated and go into the living room where I am aware a bomb is falling and will have a blinding light, so I cover my eyes. The bomb goes off and the light is blinding, waking me up.

This was a recurring dream which I related to a fellow summer worker who said it was quite simple. It was apparent that I was trying to "shed some light" on a subject. The focus on my mother meant "making the right decision about something," and the bedroom indicated a marriage decision. The duality of hair color indicated I was trying to make a decision between a blonde and brunette, and was trying to avoid the decision.

The man was absolutely right and I about fell off my drafting stool. I spent the rest of the summer finding out how to interpret dreams which I have been doing as a hobby for the last 25 years.

SOURCE: Somnial Times: Newsletter of the Dreamers SIG [of Mensa]; Vol III, No. 4: Oct. 1991; Gloria Reiser, coordinator; Judy Landaiche, editor. Untitled in newsletter; "Blonde or Brunette?" added to aid searches.

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